Blocking with the poll

Soe just what is the poll you may ask? The poll is the butt or back end of your axe head. A good reference site to keep handy for names of axe parts weapon or tool is the Gransfors site.

So now that we know what a poll is why do we want to use it? Well first off this really only applies to the Slavic axes and not the Hungarian fokos, which by it’s very names says that it has a backed head. Blocking or parrying an incoming blow with the poll does a few things…

First off the poll is very strong and not likely to be damaged

It saves the blade from damage and dulling

It sets up a quick riposte since most likely the edge is now facing your opponent.

Most importantly….it keeps the axes from getting bound together so easy. It will still happen but not as often as when using the front part of your axe to encounter theirs.

If you will note I almost always use the poll to parry with in the video clips I have posted. Other times I will smack with the side or cheek of the blade…I use this most often if I am using a backed head.  It is also possible to parry or block with the lead edge of your haft as long as you quickly twist the handle to the back edge upon impact.


Now is this what the fellow on the left in this picture is doing? I would like to think yes but really have no idea. My guess is they are dancing but once you bang axes together it soon becomes clear that you cannot meet them face to face and expect to keep your own axe free and mobile. I will try to get a clip up soon demonstrating the differences between the various ways to engage your opponents weapon.